Mail from my pal JOJO (5-May) (2) 
What's up, Liz?

I'm e-mailing from Easter Island! The airport is located in
the southwest of the island. There's Hanga Roa village, which
is the only community in this island, near the airport. There
are daily provisions and facilities in this village such as a
school, a church, a hospital and a broadcasting station.

First of all, I've come to an extinct volcano called Rano Kao
which is located in the southwest of the island. There are so
many beautiful flowers blooming. The scenery from the top of
the mountain is superb! Around the island, there's nothing
but the cobalt blue sea. The wind is so strong that I almost
fell over.

After this, I'm going to eat lunch at Orongo Point. Breakfast,
that was served at the lodge, was a banana, an avocado and
bread. I made lunch from the rest of breakfast.


provisions 糧食
facilities 設施
extinct 耗盡 滅絕
extinct volcano 死火山
superb 壯觀
cobalt 鈷類顏料
lodge 小屋

Volcano : Rano Kao

復活節島地圖 (最南邊那個綠色的圈圈 就是Rano Kao火山)

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Mail from my pal JOJO (5-May) 
Hi Liz,

I'm going to go to Easter Island tonight. You can go there
only by LanChile Airline. It takes about 4 hours from
Santiago. Easter Island is 3,800 (2,300 miles) kilometers
from Chile, and 4,000 (2,500 miles) kilometers from Tahiti.
Even the nearest island is 1,900 kilometers (1,180 miles)
away. It's a very solitary island far off in the sea.
I wonder how the primitive people made and carried such huge

I had enough time before I went, so I dropped in the town
near the coast. Actually, there are a lot of sights in Chile,
such as the Plaza de Armas, the Moneda Presidential Palace
and museums, but I don't feel like going there.
The thought that I'm going to go to Easter Island doesn't
make me feel like going to these other places.


primitive 原始的

這就是 : moais
這些石像 是怎麼搬到復活節島來的呢?

Easter Island (復活節島跟聖地牙哥的相對位置)
坐 LanChile Airline 需要四小時的時間

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Mail from my pal JOJO (4-May) 
我昨天一口氣收到 JOJO三封信呢 >_<
ㄏㄡˋ 我真是想要殺人好吧

1. Miho Travel 是一個虛擬的旅行網站
2. 你可以派一個你的虛擬夥伴代替你出去旅行
3. 我的虛擬夥伴叫JOJO (我就是要叫JOJO 不管)
4. 每次旅程好像會維持一個星期
5. 旅程結束以後還可以再讓他去別的地方
6. 不能選擇去的國家 這樣才有神秘感
7. 每封mail 會附上相關圖片 (都很醜,真的)
8. 能了解當地的風俗民情
9. 可以學習英文 還不賴
10. 認真就會有收獲,別再誤會我的JO桑出國去了 拜託大家了


Hi Liz,

I can see a lot of buses everywhere in Santiago. The drivers
usually pick you up anywhere because they get a percentage of
all fares.
I'll go on a bus tour today.

You may be thinking when am I going to the mysterious place.
Don't be impatient, Liz.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

跟台北一定要在站牌等不太一樣耶 :)
不過收到的車費 司機可以抽成
所以難怪台北的公車很愛過站飛馳不停 :(

我果真開始不耐煩了起來了啦 !!

Slow and steady wins the race (慢而穩者操勝算) 我要學起來 !

生字 :
impatient 不耐煩

Good afternoon Liz,

Chilean wine is famous. They say French people drink wine as
if it were water. It's the same in Chile. You can buy cheap
and delicious wine in supermarkets.

I've visited the winery of Concha y Toro. Look at the picture,
Liz. There are a lot of big casks there. Compare them
with the people in the picture!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

JOJO去參觀了葡萄酒的釀造廠唷 :)
你看今天mail裡附的圖 (很醜)
但是酒桶 真的好大唷 !


Holy moly Liz,

The bus suddenly stopped, and some policemen came into the
bus while I was on it. They began to check passenger's
passports or ID card. I was excited because I thought a
terrorist might be on the bus like in the movies. I showed
them my passport fearfully, I thought I may be wrongly-arrested.
They glanced at it, then passed by.
They sometimes search cars to prevent guerrillas from South
American countries.

Anyway, I've arrived at a refinery of bronze. In Chile, not
only wine is famous but also the mining industry. A lot of
metallic ware is sold at souvenir shops. Burning bronze was
very hot! I felt the heat in the air though I was watching at
a distance. I would probably melt if I touch it. :-)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

JOJO遇到驚險事件 !
還好 沒被抓去關起來

接著 JOJO去了熱呼呼的練銅廠
我想 要是我去參觀 也一定會熱到一個融化吧
(哈 今天真是精采)

生字真是多 :
glanced 掃視
guerrillas 游擊隊員
refinery of bronze 古銅精煉廠
bronze 古銅
mining industry 採礦業
metallic 金屬
souvenir shops 紀念品商店
terrorist 恐怖分子

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在灰暗的辦公室裡 我發現 我想念這樣的顏色

(這幅圖的天空 是Way to Happiness 標題的天空)

(Talk to me 充滿光芒的葉子 是從這裡裁出來的 )

PS. 我跟媽咪 2005-SEP去CEBU旅遊的照片。

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Mail from my pal JOJO (3-May) 
Hi Liz,

I'm resting at the moment. Chilean people are friendly,
cheerful and kind. I am relieved.

When I was sitting in a park, there was a llama which was
taken from the Andes. It was so cute that I approached it,
paid the charge and rode it. My backside is still aching, but
it was fun!

After that, I dropped in at the Central Market. I think I may
have been walking bowlegged. There are a lot of cheap
vegetables, fruits and seafood there.


嗯 我的JOJO 今天在公園裡看到了從安地斯山脈來的駱駝耶
不過看來逛Central Market讓他累斃了吧
還(Walking blwlegged)腿軟了唷,好嚴重的感覺 (哈)

我找了一張讓人覺得自由的圖片 給你們看看

Fotógrafo : Nicolas Aguayo (作者是Nicolas Aguayo)
(我想Fotógrafo應該是英文的Photograph吧 唸起來好像唷)

輕輕鬆鬆的在公園散步 逛超市逛到腿軟

就算沒有錢可以出國 在身邊的某個角落
我一定也可以找到 自己獨一無二的生活風格

心裡想 怎麼有這麼多人 誤會我的JO桑 去了智利了呢?

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