Gift from Latvia 
Dear Aleksandra :)

Thanks for your sweet gift , I got it today.
How a sweet girl, pick such sweet gift, I know that is your style.

I'm so happy really.

Huggssss , Liz


沒想到 Latvia 的sooshka 寄了東西來給我。

附上那張很溫暖的tiffany blue明信片上有sweetie的解說,
她果真就像是個21歲的小女生,寄糖果給我耶 :)

左邊的兩個bar candy出自於 Latvia 一個很老的Candy factory,
看起來很甜 (因為他是Candy嘛)

你聽聽看 英文是這麼形容的 toffee in chocolate.
toffee (太妃糖=甜) 巧克力=甜 你看看會有多甜 :)

所以還細心的跟我說,徽章上的那個istaba 是 "the room"的意思。


在這麼遠的國度,沒有交集 沒照過面,

很高興有妳喜歡的 Liz。
(媽啊 ,我快哭了我)


yesterday it was +6 here, but the wind was strong and cold =\
but I don't think it's a spring coming - I'm sure we'll see here a snow again.. and again... TT

25 degrees... I hate you!! ;DDDD (kidding, of course, but it's not fair)))))))


We have a lot of wintering birds, but we don't have bullfinch in Taiwan.
I have google the info of this bird ,
It's a large number in UK.
There is too far from here.

How are you these days? Still cold?
We have sunny day this week, Temperature about 25 degrees,
But weather forecasters say a cold front will come today...
Hope it's worng news.

do you have bullfinches in Taiwan?)
I think we have them here. I think I even saw them (well, it's just I usually don't pay much attention to the birds, heh).

Dear sooshka
thanks for check that birds name for me.
I google picture of bullfinch , YES! that's him!

Liz with hugesss

the bird is a bullfinch!))
well, now I can see - it really looks like it =))

Dear sooshka

As you asking the question of whipped cream,
We have , but not in my favorite list.
There is someone have lactose intolerance,
However, our dairy products is not widespread , so I think for them just a little inconvenient.
In Japan everything is delicate , not only cream , everything is small size and expensive.
(but I love Japan)

PS: Don't eat too much candies is not good for your healthy :)


I'm happy you liked my little little gift^^

a few days ago I desided that I should stop eating candies that much.
but now I found a biscuit for the cake and it needs to be used really soon... so now I need to make a cake!! haha, so much for my diet (diet here = healthy food for my poor stomach)!

BTW, a question here.
do you have a whipped cream in Taiwan?
or, like my friend said, in Japan she saw a cream - but it was in an extremely little bottle and quite expensive.
I think whipped cream is also in bottles, already made. like this -

I ask this stupid question - just because I dunno how is it in Asia with dairy produce, 'cause of the lactose intolerance.

Well, here we have a HUGE dairy produce - in every way you can imagine. I think a life, for example, in Japan could be quite hard for me without the dairy produce.))))

